Think in your security:

RFID access control systems are used to limit and regulate the number of people in and out of a facility. The technology can help prevent unauthorized employees from entering and stealing data. These types of security systems are commonly used for residential and industrial sites.

RFID entry systems can be easily configured and managed. They can also help improve operations in several different industries. Using cloud-based software allows users to configure the system remotely. Moreover, this configuration is instantaneous and does not require a technician.

The system uses access control RFID reader and critical cards with an embedded chip to store and transmit a user's identification information. It is used in many residential, commercial, and industrial settings, especially in apartment complexes and hotels.

An alarm can be triggered if a thief gains access to the premises. The system can also send alerts to security personnel.

Unlike magnetic strip door card readers, this access control system is contactless. It uses a signal generated from an RFID access control systems to determine whether a person is authorized to enter the building. Since it does not require physical contact with the individual, it adds peace of mind to staff and tenants.

Passive UHF RFID systems use frequencies ranging from 860 to 960 MHz. Their read range is typically 30 feet, but high-frequency systems have much longer ranges.

High-frequency systems are ideal for parking garages, loading docks, and storage areas. While they do not have the range of passive strategies, they read from as close as a few inches. This means they are convenient for monitoring people in a minimal space.

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